Northwest Nursing Students and Faculty Shine at State Convention

Senatobia, MS (05/09/2023) — Northwest Mississippi Community College students attended the Mississippi Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (MOADN) convention March 30-31 in Vicksburg. This convention hosts students from across the state of Mississippi to network and listen to lectures on educational topics relevant to nursing education and practice, and compete for scholarships, awards and recognition.

This year's convention theme was "Refresh, Renew, Reconnect...Keep on Rollin'." The keynote speaker of the convention was Northwest's very own Lacey Gentry, director of Nursing Instruction, and a member of the Mississippi Board of Nursing.

"It was a lot of fun to speak in front of 1,800 people," Gentry said.

Gentry said that her speech leaned into the theme of the convention, and it was about "let's make the extra mile extra crowded." Gentry said that it was a fun experience that allowed her to represent the college, and she was proud to be able to do it.

At this convention, there were many distinctions for the college both among students and faculty. Courtney McMullen, nursing instructor, made a presentation about an award she won in 2022. The nursing school collectively raised $1,001 toward the charity campaign "Wishes & Kisses" which benefits Make A Wish.

Northwest students received multiple recognitions, including Alpha Delta Nu, during a special breakfast. Students who received recognition include Landon Davis of Hernando, who was a 2022-2023 MOSA state officer as Public Relations chair, and he attended the national convention in New Orleans this past year. Students who will also be extended the offer of attending the national convention for the upcoming year include Brandi Taylor of Hernando and Mollie Henson of Pope who will serve as MOSA's president and secretary.

Corey Read of Senatobia received the Mississippi Nurses Foundation Scholarship, which is a $1,000 scholarship awarded to a student who Gentry described as a non-traditional student. Gentry said he is non-traditional due to being older than his classmates and also male. Gentry said that he is a phenomenal and caring human, and very deserving of this honor.

Read and Mallarie Hernandez of Olive Branch took part in the convention's Scholar's Bowl.

Next year the MOADN convention will be held in Biloxi.

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Northwest Nursing students at the MOADN convention March 30-31 in Vicksburg. Photo provided by Monica Williams.